miercuri, 2 decembrie 2009

The ugly truth

ABBY--Yeah Colin why do you like me?

COLIN--You're beautiful, You're smart, You never criticize. You know what? You never try to control the situation and I've gotta say it's a breath of fresh air because I know so many women who are total control freaks
and it's a nightmare. I just love that you're not like that.

ABBY--But I am. I am just like that.

COLIN--Wait what do you mean?

ABBY--Well this should be chilled (sampania). But you know that, and as horrible as it sounds, I was editing that speech the entire time you were giving it. And the time you fed me caviar, I was in physical pain. I hate being fed like a toddler. That's how much of a control freak I am. But I couldn't show you any of that because who would love someone like that?
No one.

2 comentarii:

Anda spunea...

Mie mi-a placut filmul, m-am c*cat pe mine de ras :)) mai ales la fazele din balon!

TODO spunea...

faza din balon e geniala..saracu isi calca pe inima si face declaratii si tipa are treaba cu DEX-ul :))

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